The Department of Chemistry was established in the year 2001. Objective of the department is to provide students with practical knowledge of quantitative analysis of materials by classical and instrumental methods for developing experimental skills in building technical competence.
The chemistry lab is well equipped with sophisticated instruments, analytical grade chemicals as per specification of engineering curriculum.
The department is also recognized has a VTU Research Center.
The faculty members are actively involved in research and guiding students leading to Ph.D. Many research articles have been published in recent years.
The recent trend in science and technology reveals clearly that the knowledge is becoming more and more interdisciplinary and highly interchangeable.
It is more so with the science departments housed in engineering colleges to lay down the firm foundation.
Our department of chemistry is functioning in a way parallel to the ensuing future and prosperity.
The department of chemistry is well equipped and has programs that are well planned to impart the required full-fledged knowledge to the engineering students and keep them fully engaged in lecture classes, discussions, seminars, and regular laboratory curriculum.
The department conducts regular meetings to suit the needs of the semester system systematically and providing the extra classes and practical assignments for students.
There is a comprehensive research atmosphere spread in the department as a milestone to encourage higher studies. The department is managed effectively by well qualified and experienced teaching faculty.
Research Centre was established in the year 2014, which provides facilities to do the research activities for PhD students and research associates.The department has well-equipped laboratories with fundamental equipments along with the basic facilities for research and development activities.
Department Staff